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California Vacations for the 星球大战 Icons

California Vacations for the 星球大战 Icons


原力可能很强大,但休假的需要会削弱即使是最坚强的绝地武士. 而对更多新电影的期待让粉丝们兴奋不已, our beloved (和 hardworking) 星球大战 characters are clearly due for some downtime.

Certainly, they can kick back at 星球大战: Galaxy’s Edge, the 14-acre themed area at Disneyl和 Resort 通过千年隼号将一个人送到巴图星球, lightsaber-making, 和 refreshments such as blue milk. 但在“金州”周围还有很多其他景点会吸引bbin游戏官网的星际朋友, so we played travel agent for them. Here are the fabulous, 只有在加州的假期才能满足他们的个人需求,这种旅行可以帮助任何人为可能面临的生活战斗(或其他后续)充电.

Darth Vader: 死亡谷

毫无疑问,维德勋爵会被这个国家公园的名字所吸引,但在大自然中散步,寻找鸟类和野花,也会帮助这位前阿纳金重新找回他美好的一面. 自 死亡谷 是美国最大的国家公园,被命名为“黑暗天空”.e. (特别的观星),维德可以在晚上寻找新的星系来征服嗯哼,探索.

Luke Skywalker: 圣地亚哥

He’s always had a surfer’s earnest attitude (和 the hair), 所以这个沙漠男孩早该赶上海浪了,而使用原力将有助于减少损失. He’ll sample the beaches from 圣地亚哥’s Coronado up to San Onofre, in Orange County, but he’ll especially love Swami’s Beach in Encinitas, 这是一个很好的突破点,以隔壁冥想友好的道场命名.

Yoda: 庞大的湖泊

加州可能并不以沼泽闻名,这位身材矮小的绝地大师在那里会有宾至如归的感觉. But he'll love mellow 庞大的湖泊 因为那里有天然的温泉——比如本顿和基奥的温泉——在那里他可以解决一些问题. No doubt, he’ll also want to visit nearby 莫诺湖: 的 shallow, super-salty lake was once an inl和 sea, 和 is today surrounded by limestone “tufa” towers. It’s ancient 和 a little offbeat, just like Yoda.

Princess Leia 和 Han Solo: Santa Barbara

现在想想这对星际夫妇是苦乐参半的——但在更好的时代, 汉·索罗和莱娅公主/将军本可以在美国里维埃拉找到一段安静的独处时光. 的 romantic city of Santa Barbara 对他来说足够悠闲,对她来说足够奢华(但很低调)吗. 他可能会租一架飞机从空中查看海岸线, 然后开着敞篷车来一次老式的观光. She could day-trip into the Santa Ynez Valley wine country, bringing back bottles of Chardonnay 和 Cabernet Franc, 和 they would happily bicker over which ones they like best.

Finn: Beverly Hills

This career Stormtrooper underwent a major transformation in 的 Force Awakens, joining the Resistance. 但是,步入光明并不仅仅是改变你的内在. What better place to finish his dramatic makeover than Beverly Hills? Once he’s shed that after–Labor Day white armor, 他会准备去做水疗,让他的皮肤和头发焕发活力, followed by a serious wardrobe upgrade on Rodeo Drive.

Rey: 棕榈泉 region

这个勇敢的女孩在jakku的沙漠中磨练了她的拾荒技能,她已经准备好通过她对升级回收的热爱来提升自己的档次. 的 棕榈泉 area will be an aesthetic treat for her, 这要归功于它的中世纪现代建筑的时间胶囊和数十家古董和复古商店. (另外,她可以选择她最喜欢的降温方式——在附近攀岩 Joshua Tree National Park to sipping a cocktail poolside at a resort hotel.)

C-3PO: San Francisco 海湾地区

这个挑剔的多语种专家一直都是一个极客和有点势利,所以 海湾地区 is his spiritual mother ship. 他在城里的每一天都要喝咖啡和手工烹饪 San Francisco, head north over the Golden Gate Bridge for wine tasting in 纳帕谷, then venture south to the Silicon Valley, gushing over the microprocessors at 圣克拉拉或者开车慢慢经过位于洛斯阿尔托斯的车库,史蒂夫·乔布斯就是在那里创办了苹果公司.

R2-D2: 好莱坞

而一些名人可能会在休假时戴上一顶寻求隐私的棒球帽和墨镜, not so this mega-star droid. He’s ready to see  be seen, 和 where better to do that than 洛杉矶? He can nosh at 的 Musso & Frank Grill or Pink’s Hot Dogs, then head over to the 好莱坞 Walk of Fame to take a selfie by his own wheel prints, 也许还会把黑武士模仿者扔到 好莱坞 & Highl和 Center.

Obi Wan Kenobi: Big Sur

的 Jedi Master has always embraced his solitude, so he’ll take the awe-inspiring drive along State Highway 1. 沿着红杉覆盖的大苏尔悬崖,他可以参加冥想和瑜伽培训班 Esalen Institute或者找到自己的禅宗完美的空间,俯瞰麦克威瀑布 Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. 这些田园诗般的景点,被红杉和雾笼罩着,非常适合穿着连帽衫的智者.

Chewbacca: Bigfoot Scenic Byway

的 giant Wookiee, who has always stood in the shadow of Han, 可能渴望与一些同伴重新联系,或者至少看看大脚野人, who has reportedly been spotted in Northern California. 丘伊将在红木海岸公路旅行,沿着96号公路,包括所谓的 Bigfoot Scenic Byway—where he’ll find Yeti statues, 壁画, 和 no shortage of Sasquatch-y souvenirs, especially in the towns of Willow Creek 和 Happy Camp.

BB-8: 萨克拉门托

This round-bottomed droid may be the cute new kid in town, 但他知道如何给他的机器长辈——不仅仅是R2-D2——一些道具. He’ll head to the state capital to see 萨克拉门托’s historic iron horses at the California State Railroad Museum他对早期横贯大陆的铁路旅行充满怀念. Assuming he is of age, 他或许还能发掘出萨克顿21世纪个性的一部分, found in its thriving craft brewery scene.

的 Ewoks: Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park

的 cuddly creatures from Return of the Jedi have felt both the agony 和 ecstasy of celebrity, 和 there’s no place like home to get centered again. In this case, the little guys should head to this 州立公园 in Humboldt County他的奇塔姆格罗夫为恩多星球上的摩托车追逐提供了背景. Like the Ewoks themselves, 州立公园面积不大,但却充满了生机:只有一平方英里, but with fives miles’ worth of hiking trails.

Kylo Ren: Lava Beds National Monument

因为这个愤怒的年轻人对他父亲的死负有责任 的 Force Awakens,他可能会想要地下一段时间——他很幸运. 的 Shasta Cascade’s Lava Beds National Monument is home to 700 caves, shaped when volcanic lava cooled into eerie tubes; the caves provided hideouts during the Modoc War of 1872–1873 和 offer cool, secluded exploring today. 

Kylo Ren could extend his vacation by exploring a dozen 更多的 underground attractions in California,来自 Moaning Cavern 在黄金之乡(深度足以容纳自由女神像)到钟乳石填充 水晶洞穴 在红杉国家公园(因为这个大理石洞穴里的温度总是在50度左右), he can stay comfortable with his mask on). 

Boba Fett: Winchester Mystery House

神秘的赏金猎人知道被问题包围的感觉:他死了吗? 他还活着吗?? Why did he once agree to appear in the 星球大战 Holiday Special? He’ll feel right at home exploring this strange, rambling Victorian mansion in 圣荷西, 它是由温彻斯特枪械帝国的古怪女继承人用38年时间建造的. 虽然这座迷人的160个房间的豪宅并没有展示费特可能为他的武器库添加的武器, it does have 47 fireplaces, 40 staircases, 和 13 bathrooms … but strangely just one shower. 

L和o Calrissian: Temecula Valley

汉·索罗长期的友敌回到了千年隼号的飞行员座位上 的 Rise of Skywalker. 趁他能在走私者航线上练习一下操作船只的时候 星球大战: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyl和 Resort在美国,卡瑞辛可能会通过乘坐飞机重新享受飞行的乐趣 hot-air balloon ride over the rolling hills of the Inl和 Empire. 的 man of the world would also appreciate some gaming at Temecula Valley’s Pechanga Resort Casino, along with tastings at the region’s many acclaimed 酒庄.

California Winery

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